Departure times during holidays and New Year 2024-25
In connection with the holidays around Christmas and New Year, we recommend that all shipments are booked in good time, so that we together can ensure delivery on time.
If You have transports outside our departure days, we will solve it upon request.
Import and export
- Last departure with delivery before Christmas on 17 December
- First departure in the new year 7 January
- Last departure with delivery before Christmas on 16 December
- First departure in the new year 3 January
- Last departure with delivery before Christmas on 18 December
- First departure in the new year 3 January
- Last departure with delivery before Christmas on 16 December
- First departure in the new year 7 January
- Last departure with delivery before Christmas on 17 December
- First departure in the new year 7 January
- SE 10-79 last departure with delivery before Christmas on 17 December
- SE 80-99 last departure with delivery before Christmas on 13 December
- First departure in the new year 7 January
- SE 10-79 last departure with delivery before Christmas on 17 December
- SE 80-99 last departure with delivery before Christmas on 13 December
- First departure in the new year 6 January
Import and export
- Last departure with delivery before Christmas general cargo on 13 December, FTL on 16 December
- First departure in the new year 6 January
Import and export
- NO 0001 to 4999 last departure with delivery before Christmas general cargo on 16 December, FTL on 17 December
- NO 5000 to 9999 last departure with delivery before Christmas on 13 December
- First departure in the new year 6 January
Get a permanent assigned contact person that knows both your business and the transport business
Therefore they also have the requisite decision-making competence to arrange your transport so that you get what you want. This is possible because we have a flat and very service-minded structure at DTK Road A/S and our sister companies. You can therefore be sure that what you agree with your contact will be followed to the letter.
Book your first transport today
We’d love to hear from you!
Bobby Helberg
Managing Director
T: +45 73 67 02 40
Dalgårdsvej 7
DK-8220 Brabrand
CVR nr. 37785210
Tlf. +45 73 67 02 40
Fax +45 73 70 93 71
Dariaus ir Girėno g. 81,
LT-02189 Vilnius
VAT-no. LT100014383819
Phone +370 521 100 30
Fax +370 521 43 942
Ollebovägen 14
SE-218 45 Vintrie
VAT no. SE559387697101
Phone +46 4066 888 40
Fax +46 4066 883 88